foot - определение. Что такое foot
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Что (кто) такое foot - определение

FOOT; Feet (disambiguation); Foots; FOOT (disambiguation)
Найдено результатов: 1105
·noun ·pl The settlings of oil, molasses, ·etc., at the bottom of a barrel or hogshead.
  • Illustration of bones in lower leg and foot
  • Foot Bone Anatomy
  • Anterior leg muscles
  • A woman's foot, decorated with [[nail polish]] and [[henna]], and wearing a ''metti'' ([[toe ring]]) on the second toe, for her wedding
  • The feet of a newborn [[infant]]
  • Study of a pair of feet crossed, 1847, by Margaret Louisa Herschel, daughter of [[John Herschel]], from the [[Royal Museums Greenwich]]
  • Underpronation of foot
Feet; Instep; Foot deformities; Foot type; Foot (anatomy); Human foot; Articulations of foot; Foot taboo; Human feet; Distal feet; Joints of foot; Muscles of the Feet; Foot fracture; Foot fractures; Broken foot; Foot sweat; Insteps; Dorsum of foot; Foot dorsum; Articulationes pedis; Articulatio pedis; Pedis; Joints of the foot; Foot muscles; 🦶; Midfoot; Foot bone; 🦶🏼; 🦶🏻; 🦶🏽; 🦶🏾; 🦶🏿; Intrinsic muscles of the foot; Extrinsic muscles of the foot; Fractures of the foot
lower extremity of a leg
1) to stamp; tap one's foot; to shuffle one's feet
2) to gain, get to one's feet
3) to set foot on (she has never set foot on foreign soil)
4) flat feet
5) in one's stocking feet
6) at one's feet (the dog lay at his feet)
7) on foot (they came on foot)
8) (misc.) to drag one's feet ('to move very slowly') or ('to refuse to act'); fast/quick on one's feet; to put one's best foot forward ('to attempt to make a good impression'); to put one's foot down ('to act firmly'); to get a foot in the door ('to make an initial step'); underfoot ('beneath one's feet'); to put one's foot in one's mouth ('to make an inappropriate statement'); she always lands on her feet ('she always manages to get out of difficulty')
bottom, end
9) at the foot of (at the foot of the bed)
unit of measurement equalling twelve inches
10) a cubic; square foot
  • Illustration of bones in lower leg and foot
  • Foot Bone Anatomy
  • Anterior leg muscles
  • A woman's foot, decorated with [[nail polish]] and [[henna]], and wearing a ''metti'' ([[toe ring]]) on the second toe, for her wedding
  • The feet of a newborn [[infant]]
  • Study of a pair of feet crossed, 1847, by Margaret Louisa Herschel, daughter of [[John Herschel]], from the [[Royal Museums Greenwich]]
  • Underpronation of foot
Feet; Instep; Foot deformities; Foot type; Foot (anatomy); Human foot; Articulations of foot; Foot taboo; Human feet; Distal feet; Joints of foot; Muscles of the Feet; Foot fracture; Foot fractures; Broken foot; Foot sweat; Insteps; Dorsum of foot; Foot dorsum; Articulationes pedis; Articulatio pedis; Pedis; Joints of the foot; Foot muscles; 🦶; Midfoot; Foot bone; 🦶🏼; 🦶🏻; 🦶🏽; 🦶🏾; 🦶🏿; Intrinsic muscles of the foot; Extrinsic muscles of the foot; Fractures of the foot
Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English.
Your feet are the parts of your body that are at the ends of your legs, and that you stand on.
She stamped her foot again.
...a foot injury.
...his aching arms and sore feet.
She was bare-footed. geese.
The foot of something is the part that is farthest from its top.
David called to the children from the foot of the stairs...
A single word at the foot of a page caught her eye.
= bottom
? head, top
N-SING: usu the N of n
The foot of a bed is the end nearest to the feet of the person lying in it.
Friends stood at the foot of the bed, looking at her with serious faces.
? head
N-SING: usu the N of n
A foot is a unit for measuring length, height, or depth, and is equal to 12 inches or 30.48 centimetres. When you are giving measurements, the form 'foot' is often used as the plural instead of the plural form 'feet'.
This beautiful and curiously shaped lake lies at around fifteen thousand feet...
He occupies a cell 10 foot long, 6 foot wide and 10 foot high...
I have to give my height in feet and inches.
N-COUNT: usu num N, oft num N adj
A foot brake or foot pump is operated by your foot rather than by your hand.
I tried to reach the foot brakes but I couldn't.
A foot patrol or foot soldiers walk rather than travelling in vehicles or on horseback.
Paratroopers and foot-soldiers entered the building on the government's behalf.
see also footing
If you get cold feet about something, you become nervous or frightened about it because you think it will fail.
The Government is getting cold feet about the reforms.
PHRASE: V inflects, oft PHR about n
If you say that someone is finding their feet in a new situation, you mean that they are starting to feel confident and to deal with things successfully.
I don't know anyone in England but I am sure I will manage when I find my feet...
PHRASE: V inflects
If you say that someone has their feet on the ground, you approve of the fact that they have a sensible and practical attitude towards life, and do not have unrealistic ideas.
In that respect he needs to keep his feet on the ground and not get carried away...
Kevin was always level-headed with both feet on the ground.
PHRASE: usu v PHR [approval]
If you go somewhere on foot, you walk, rather than using any form of transport.
We rowed ashore, then explored the island on foot for the rest of the day.
If you are on your feet, you are standing up.
Everyone was on their feet applauding wildly.
PHRASE: usu v-link PHR
If you say that someone or something is on their feet again after an illness or difficult period, you mean that they have recovered and are back to normal.
He said they all needed to work together to put the country on its feet again.
PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v
If you say that someone always falls or lands on their feet, you mean that they are always successful or lucky, although they do not seem to achieve this by their own efforts.
He has good looks and charm, and always falls on his feet...
PHRASE: V inflects
If you say that someone has one foot in the grave, you mean that they are very old or very ill and will probably die soon. (INFORMAL)
PHRASE: V inflects
If you say, in British English, the boot is on the other foot or, mainly in American English, the shoe is on the other foot, you mean that a situation has been reversed completely, so that the person who was in the better position before is now in the worse one.
You're not in a position to remove me. The boot is now on the other foot.
PHRASE: V inflects
If someone puts their foot down, they use their authority in order to stop something happening.
He had planned to go skiing on his own in March but his wife had decided to put her foot down.
PHRASE: V inflects
If someone puts their foot down when they are driving, they drive as fast as they can.
I asked the driver to put his foot down for Nagchukha.
PHRASE: V inflects
If someone puts their foot in it or puts their foot in their mouth, they accidentally do or say something which embarrasses or offends people. (INFORMAL)
Our chairman has really put his foot in it, poor man, though he doesn't know it.
PHRASE: V inflects
If you put your feet up, you relax or have a rest, especially by sitting or lying with your feet supported off the ground.
After supper he'd put his feet up and read. It was a pleasant prospect.
= rest
PHRASE: V inflects
If you never put a foot wrong, you never make any mistakes.
When he's around, we never put a foot wrong...
PHRASE: V inflects, with brd-neg
If you say that someone sets foot in a place, you mean that they enter it or reach it, and you are emphasizing the significance of their action. If you say that someone never sets foot in a place, you are emphasizing that they never go there.
...the day the first man set foot on the moon...
A little later I left that place and never set foot in Texas again.
PHRASE: V inflects, oft with brd-neg [emphasis]
If someone has to stand on their own two feet, they have to be independent and manage their lives without help from other people.
My father didn't mind whom I married, so long as I could stand on my own two feet and wasn't dependent on my husband.
PHRASE: V inflects
If you get or rise to your feet, you stand up.
Malone got to his feet and followed his superior out of the suite...
He sprang to his feet and ran outside.
If someone gets off on the wrong foot in a new situation, they make a bad start by doing something in completely the wrong way.
Even though they called the election and had been preparing for it for some time, they got off on the wrong foot.
PHRASE: V inflects
to foot the bill: see bill
foot in the door: see door
drag your feet: see drag
to vote with your feet: see vote
  • Illustration of bones in lower leg and foot
  • Foot Bone Anatomy
  • Anterior leg muscles
  • A woman's foot, decorated with [[nail polish]] and [[henna]], and wearing a ''metti'' ([[toe ring]]) on the second toe, for her wedding
  • The feet of a newborn [[infant]]
  • Study of a pair of feet crossed, 1847, by Margaret Louisa Herschel, daughter of [[John Herschel]], from the [[Royal Museums Greenwich]]
  • Underpronation of foot
Feet; Instep; Foot deformities; Foot type; Foot (anatomy); Human foot; Articulations of foot; Foot taboo; Human feet; Distal feet; Joints of foot; Muscles of the Feet; Foot fracture; Foot fractures; Broken foot; Foot sweat; Insteps; Dorsum of foot; Foot dorsum; Articulationes pedis; Articulatio pedis; Pedis; Joints of the foot; Foot muscles; 🦶; Midfoot; Foot bone; 🦶🏼; 🦶🏻; 🦶🏽; 🦶🏾; 🦶🏿; Intrinsic muscles of the foot; Extrinsic muscles of the foot; Fractures of the foot
¦ noun (plural feet fi:t)
1. the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person or animal stands or walks.
literary manner or speed of walking or running: fleet of foot.
[treated as plural] Brit. infantry; foot soldiers.
2. a projecting part on which a piece of furniture or each of its legs stands.
3. the lower or lowest part of something vertical; the base or bottom.
the end of a table furthest from the host.
the end of a bed where the occupant's feet normally rest.
4. a unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches (30.48 cm).
5. Prosody a group of syllables constituting a metrical unit.
6. Music a unit used in classifying sets of organ pipes or harpsichord strings by their pitch.
7. a device on a sewing machine for holding the material steady as it is sewn.
¦ verb
1. informal pay (a bill, especially a large or unreasonable one).
2. (foot it) cover a distance, especially a long one, on foot.
archaic dance.
feet first with the feet in front.
?dead, as in a coffin.
feet of clay a fundamental flaw or weakness in a person otherwise revered.
get (or start) off on the right (or wrong) foot make a good (or bad) start at something.
have (or keep) one's feet on the ground be (or remain) practical and sensible.
have (or get) a foot in the door have (or gain) a first introduction to a profession or organization.
have one foot in the grave humorous be very old or ill.
my foot! informal said to express strong contradiction.
on (or by) foot walking rather than travelling by car or using other transport.
put one's best foot forward begin with as much effort and determination as possible.
put one's foot down informal
1. adopt a firm policy when faced with opposition or disobedience.
2. Brit. accelerate a motor vehicle by pressing the accelerator pedal.
put one's foot in it informal say or do something tactless or embarrassing.
put a foot wrong [usu. with negative] make a mistake.
set something on foot archaic set an action or process in motion.
under one's feet in one's way.
under foot on the ground.
footless adjective
OE fot, of Gmc origin.
  • Illustration of bones in lower leg and foot
  • Foot Bone Anatomy
  • Anterior leg muscles
  • A woman's foot, decorated with [[nail polish]] and [[henna]], and wearing a ''metti'' ([[toe ring]]) on the second toe, for her wedding
  • The feet of a newborn [[infant]]
  • Study of a pair of feet crossed, 1847, by Margaret Louisa Herschel, daughter of [[John Herschel]], from the [[Royal Museums Greenwich]]
  • Underpronation of foot
Feet; Instep; Foot deformities; Foot type; Foot (anatomy); Human foot; Articulations of foot; Foot taboo; Human feet; Distal feet; Joints of foot; Muscles of the Feet; Foot fracture; Foot fractures; Broken foot; Foot sweat; Insteps; Dorsum of foot; Foot dorsum; Articulationes pedis; Articulatio pedis; Pedis; Joints of the foot; Foot muscles; 🦶; Midfoot; Foot bone; 🦶🏼; 🦶🏻; 🦶🏽; 🦶🏾; 🦶🏿; Intrinsic muscles of the foot; Extrinsic muscles of the foot; Fractures of the foot
I. n.
Lower extremity, paw (in brutes).
Base, bottom, lower part.
Twelve inches.
(Mil.) Infantry, foot-soldiers.
II. v. a.
Add a foot of (a stocking, boot, etc.), supply with a foot.
Add up (figures), sum up.
Pay, stand, settle, discharge (a bill of expenses).
  • Illustration of bones in lower leg and foot
  • Foot Bone Anatomy
  • Anterior leg muscles
  • A woman's foot, decorated with [[nail polish]] and [[henna]], and wearing a ''metti'' ([[toe ring]]) on the second toe, for her wedding
  • The feet of a newborn [[infant]]
  • Study of a pair of feet crossed, 1847, by Margaret Louisa Herschel, daughter of [[John Herschel]], from the [[Royal Museums Greenwich]]
  • Underpronation of foot
Feet; Instep; Foot deformities; Foot type; Foot (anatomy); Human foot; Articulations of foot; Foot taboo; Human feet; Distal feet; Joints of foot; Muscles of the Feet; Foot fracture; Foot fractures; Broken foot; Foot sweat; Insteps; Dorsum of foot; Foot dorsum; Articulationes pedis; Articulatio pedis; Pedis; Joints of the foot; Foot muscles; 🦶; Midfoot; Foot bone; 🦶🏼; 🦶🏻; 🦶🏽; 🦶🏾; 🦶🏿; Intrinsic muscles of the foot; Extrinsic muscles of the foot; Fractures of the foot
Forum for Object Oriented Technology (Reference: CERN, OOP)
  • Illustration of bones in lower leg and foot
  • Foot Bone Anatomy
  • Anterior leg muscles
  • A woman's foot, decorated with [[nail polish]] and [[henna]], and wearing a ''metti'' ([[toe ring]]) on the second toe, for her wedding
  • The feet of a newborn [[infant]]
  • Study of a pair of feet crossed, 1847, by Margaret Louisa Herschel, daughter of [[John Herschel]], from the [[Royal Museums Greenwich]]
  • Underpronation of foot
Feet; Instep; Foot deformities; Foot type; Foot (anatomy); Human foot; Articulations of foot; Foot taboo; Human feet; Distal feet; Joints of foot; Muscles of the Feet; Foot fracture; Foot fractures; Broken foot; Foot sweat; Insteps; Dorsum of foot; Foot dorsum; Articulationes pedis; Articulatio pedis; Pedis; Joints of the foot; Foot muscles; 🦶; Midfoot; Foot bone; 🦶🏼; 🦶🏻; 🦶🏽; 🦶🏾; 🦶🏿; Intrinsic muscles of the foot; Extrinsic muscles of the foot; Fractures of the foot
·noun The lower edge of a sail.
II. Foot ·vt The size or strike with the talon.
III. Foot ·vt To renew the foot of, as of stocking.
IV. Foot ·vt To Tread; as, to foot the green.
V. Foot ·vt To kick with the foot; to Spurn.
VI. Foot ·vi To Walk;
- opposed to ride or fly.
VII. Foot ·noun Fundamental principle; basis; plan;
- used only in the singular.
VIII. Foot ·noun Recognized condition; rank; footing;
- used only in the singular.
IX. Foot ·vt To set on foot; to Establish; to Land.
X. Foot ·noun A measure of length equivalent to twelve inches; one third of a yard. ·see Yard.
XI. Foot ·noun That which corresponds to the foot of a man or animal; as, the foot of a table; the foot of a stocking.
XII. Foot ·noun Soldiers who march and fight on foot; the infantry, usually designated as the foot, in distinction from the cavalry.
XIII. Foot ·vt To sum up, as the numbers in a column;
- sometimes with up; as, to foot (or foot up) an Account.
XIV. Foot ·vi To tread to measure or music; to Dance; to Trip; to Skip.
XV. Foot ·noun A combination of syllables consisting a metrical element of a verse, the syllables being formerly distinguished by their quantity or length, but in modern poetry by the accent.
XVI. Foot ·noun The terminal part of the leg of man or an animal; ·esp., the part below the ankle or wrist; that part of an animal upon which it rests when standing, or moves. ·see Manus, and Pes.
XVII. Foot ·noun The muscular locomotive organ of a mollusk. It is a median organ arising from the ventral region of body, often in the form of a flat disk, as in snails. ·see ·Illust. of Buccinum.
XVIII. Foot ·noun The lowest part or base; the ground part; the bottom, as of a mountain or column; also, the last of a row or series; the end or extremity, ·esp. if associated with inferiority; as, the foot of a hill; the foot of the procession; the foot of a class; the foot of the bed.
  • Illustration of bones in lower leg and foot
  • Foot Bone Anatomy
  • Anterior leg muscles
  • A woman's foot, decorated with [[nail polish]] and [[henna]], and wearing a ''metti'' ([[toe ring]]) on the second toe, for her wedding
  • The feet of a newborn [[infant]]
  • Study of a pair of feet crossed, 1847, by Margaret Louisa Herschel, daughter of [[John Herschel]], from the [[Royal Museums Greenwich]]
  • Underpronation of foot
Feet; Instep; Foot deformities; Foot type; Foot (anatomy); Human foot; Articulations of foot; Foot taboo; Human feet; Distal feet; Joints of foot; Muscles of the Feet; Foot fracture; Foot fractures; Broken foot; Foot sweat; Insteps; Dorsum of foot; Foot dorsum; Articulationes pedis; Articulatio pedis; Pedis; Joints of the foot; Foot muscles; 🦶; Midfoot; Foot bone; 🦶🏼; 🦶🏻; 🦶🏽; 🦶🏾; 🦶🏿; Intrinsic muscles of the foot; Extrinsic muscles of the foot; Fractures of the foot
The foot (plural: feet) is an anatomical structure found in many vertebrates. It is the terminal portion of a limb which bears weight and allows locomotion.
Foot Clan         
  • Symbol of the Foot Clan in the 1987 cartoon.
  • The Foot Clan logo as seen in the 2003 animated series.
Foot Ninja; The Foot Clan
The Foot Clan is a fictional ninja clan in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all related media and are the main antagonist faction. It is led by the devious Shredder and his second in command Karai.
Foot (prosody)         
  • 16px
  • 16px
Metrical foot; Metrical feet; Foot (poetry); Ionic Foot; Antispastus; Foot (linguistics); Poetic foot; Pedes; Phonological foot; Foot (meter); Tetrabrach; Proceleusmatic; Ditrochee; Diiamb; Antispast; Dispondee; Prosodic foot; Poetic feet
The foot is the basic repeating rhythmic unit that forms part of a line of verse in most Indo-European traditions of poetry, including English accentual-syllabic verse and the quantitative meter of classical ancient Greek and Latin poetry. The unit is composed of syllables, and is usually two, three, or four syllables in length.


Foot (disambiguation)

The foot is an anatomical structure found in many vertebrates.

Foot or feet may also refer to: